

Eva Martz

“I want to help my sister fulfill her dream."

     Eva Martz has a Master of Public Administration, with a concentration in Human Resources from California State University, Sacramento.  She began working for the Department of Air Force as an intern in Civilian Personnel and continued working for the Air Force for 28 years at many bases, all stateside.  Eva’s areas of expertise were in Classification, Staffing, Resources and Training.

         Sharon, Eva’s sister has always had a passion for teaching Special Education children.  In the summer of 2014, Eva saw firsthand the need for specialized education for Autistic kids.  As a Licensed Clinical Psychotherapy Counselor (LCPC), Sharon’s primary clients were autistic children and Eva learned of their needs to teach them the life skills necessary to live a fulfilling life and contribute to the community.  Sharon spoke of her dream to have a school focused on autism to help students be able to function in a classroom full of other students.

            In August 2015, Eva and her husband moved permanently to Great Falls from Florida to assist her sister with the care of their mom.  She is married to Richard and has two daughters, Krystal and Jennifer and one rescued senior Golden Retriever named Duke.

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